Saturday, December 02, 2006

another post

well since i last left you folks it was wednesday. so i saw another play on thursday which was called drunk enough to say i love you. it was a nice politcal piece about the last 20 or so years. it was not that bad, i still brought the sricpt becuase i still thought it was a cool play. anyway i did not see the performace that night because my tummy was not doing that well. i think it was due to the fact that everyone has not been feeling that well and my just got worse for a night. so on friday we went to a measum which was imperilaims at is best. great countries taking over other countries and killing off the culture. i just don't like measum all that much anymore but i got some great pictures of the clothes because that was one of the things i actully liked and looked at the longest. the we saw some pub theatre which was really good. it was about this couple and their relationship. it was not all that long but there were narriters telling you what happen to the couple later that day. it was kind of depressing what happen to the couple. Then i went back to the hotel to lay down for a while. That night we saw a black driven play. it was about the carrbian guetto and a man who sleep around. i did not care for it all that much becuase if i wanted to watch a play about a player then i would just watch a movie. so today i am going to notting hill then due some christmas shopping and then perhaps see a play. ttfn

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